VIN Details

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Linked Recalls

Recall Number Recall Subject Recall Date
{{recall.recallNo}} {{recall.recallSubject}} {{recall['recallDetailDate'] | momentFmtLcl}}

Linked Label

Linked Certificate

{{'Recalls Related to CCR {0}' | dictionary([vin.linkedCertificate.certNo])}}

Recall Number Recall Subject Recall Date
{{recall.recallNo}} {{recall.recallSubject}} {{recall['recallDetailDate'] | momentFmtLcl}}
About Mutabiq

Motor Vehicles, Motorcycles and Tyres Manufacturers can create their profile and declare their product technical details and test reports for attestation from our engineers. Know more about Mutabiq

GCC Standardization Organization
About GSO

GSO is a Regional Standardization Organization (RSO) to unifying the various standardization activities and to develop the production and service sectors, intra-GCC trade, protect the consumer, environment and the public health, enhance the GCC economy and its competitiveness.. Visit GSO Website