Activity Details
ASTM – GSO Cement & Concrete Standards Workshop
Understanding ASTM International Test Procedures For Cement And Concrete - Staying Up To Standard
Standards play a critical role in any reliable workflow. They help maintain quality, improve safety and, when followed properly, they can even provide a competitive advantage for organizations. Continuous training is required to keep all stakeholders and processes up-to-date.
ASTM International has been involved in providing laboratory inspections, proficiency testing programs, and test procedure development for the cement and concrete industry since 1929. These programs have been instrumental in ensuring the quality of laboratory testing as well as the quality of these materials used in construction all over the world.
The Workshop (first time In Riyadh):
This event will be held for the first time in Riyadh.
The event is organized in partnership and cooperation with American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), GSO, and with Sesam Business Consultants, UAE.
To support standards and to understand them, ASTM offers 2 days training on testing standards and quality control for the cement and concrete industry in Saudi Arabia.
Each participant will receive a Certificate of Completion issued by ASTM upon completion of the workshop.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this training course, the participant will:
- Understand the reasons for conducting each ASTM International test procedure
- Define terminology pertinent to each test procedure,
- Identify necessary equipment for each test procedure,
- Understand the sampling procedures for each test procedure
- Understand limitations of each test procedure, and
- Witness demonstrations (videos) of each ASTM International test procedure.
Participation Benefits:
Participation in this training course can lead to:
- Improved quality of testing in concrete construction,
- Decrease in construction delays,
- Awareness of where concrete failures originate,
- Improved quality of construction materials,
- Extended service lives of concrete structures, and
- Ensured construction practices that can be compared within the Middle East region to other global markets.
Who Should Attend:
- Government Agencies
- Laboratory Technicians
- Consultants
- Engineers
<p style="text-align: justify;">Dr. Anthony F. Bentivegna </p> <p style="box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0px 0px 30px; -webkit-margin-before: 0.1em; -webkit-margin-after: 0.1em; font-family: 'Open Sans', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; line-height: 21px; text-align: justify;">Dr. Bentivegna specializes in the characterization and implementation of cementitious materials and the mitigation of premature deterioration due to concrete durability problems. Additionally, he is an expert in the investigation and mitigation of structures affected by alkali-silica reaction (ASR) and in the development and implementation of rapid repair cementitious systems, including calcium aluminate cement (CAC).</p> <p style="box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0px 0px 30px; -webkit-margin-before: 0.1em; -webkit-margin-after: 0.1em; font-family: 'Open Sans', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; line-height: 21px; text-align: justify;">Dr. Bentivegna also has extensive knowledge in the development of concrete testing. He developed his own testing apparatuses for monitoring cement hydration, including isothermal calorimeters and chemical shrinkage setups, as well as techniques for monitoring early-age volume change. These testing setups aim to more accurately correlate laboratory testing to actual field performance.</p> <p style="box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0px 0px 30px; -webkit-margin-before: 0.1em; -webkit-margin-after: 0.1em; font-family: 'Open Sans', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; line-height: 21px; text-align: justify;">As a graduate research assistant at the University of Texas, Dr. Bentivegna participated in concrete-related projects with emphasis in fly ash, calcium aluminate cements and lithium implementation for ASR-affected concrete. He performed this work for the Federal Highway Administration, local department of transportation offices, international companies and local businesses. Dr. Bentivegna also has experience in structural and transportation engineering, having worked as an intern at design consulting firms.</p> <p> </p>