Activity Details
GSO Technical Regulations for Tyres *
: Course Objectives
· Develop the conformity skills on tires.
· Increase the awareness of GSO technical requirements on tires.
· Improve the conformity procedures.
· Improve the certificates authentication services.
: Course Outlines
· Tires production line tour.
· Theoretical study of GSO tire regulations.
· Practical application on tests procedures.
· Witness the safety tests:
1. Dimension test.
2. Endurance test.
3. High speed test.
4. Strength test.
5. Bead unseating test.
6. Temperature resistance test.
7. Rolling Resistance.
8. Wet Grip.
Who should attend:
Workers in the standards and conformity departments in the Member States
Customs inspectors and representatives of authorities concerned with market .surveys
General departments of traffic and transportation in the Member States