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{{ (pagination.page - 1) * pagination.size + index+1 }}
{{p.projectDocumentType | dictionary}}
# {{p.projectNo}}
برنامج العمل
{{p.classification | dictionary}}
الجهة المعدة
{{p.stage | dictionary}}
{{'Committee draft ({0}) released on {1} and is open for members comments until {2}' | dictionary([p.latestAcceptedEdition,formatDate(p.latestAcceptedVersionAcceptanceDate),formatDate(p.deadline)]) }}
{{'Committee draft ({0}) released on {1} and members comments period closed on {2}' | dictionary([p.latestAcceptedEdition,formatDate(p.latestAcceptedVersionAcceptanceDate),formatDate(p.deadline)]) }}
{{'Draft ({0}) released on {1} and is open for public comments until {2}' | dictionary([p.latestAcceptedEdition,formatDate(p.latestAcceptedVersionAcceptanceDate),formatDate(p.deadline)]) }}
{{'Draft ({0}) released on {1} and the public comment period closed on {2}' | dictionary([p.latestAcceptedEdition,formatDate(p.latestAcceptedVersionAcceptanceDate),formatDate(p.deadline)]) }}
{{'No draft available currently. Project was fully rejected and waiting a new draft' | dictionary }}
{{'Final draft ({0}) accepted on {1} and waiting final approval' | dictionary([p.latestAcceptedEdition,formatDate(p.latestAcceptedVersionAcceptanceDate)]) }}
{{'No final draft available. Project was partially rejected. Waiting a new final draft' | dictionary }}