GSO OIML D11:2008
OIML D 11:2004
Gulf Standard
Approved on
20 February 2008
General Requirements for Electronic Measuring Instruments
GSO OIML D11:2008 Files
91 Pages
54 Pages
Reference Language
GSO OIML D11:2008 Scope
Scope and field of application
2.1 This International Document specifies the
general metrological requirements applicable to
measuring instruments and describes tests for verifying
the compliance of an instrument with these
2.2 This Document shall be taken into consideration
by the OIML Technical Committees and Subcommittees
as a basis for establishing particular influence
quantity requirements and tests to be specified in
International Recommendations applicable to
particular categories of measuring instruments
(hereafter in brief: relevant Recommendation).
2.3 The relevant Recommendations may either
specify that requirements specified in this Document
apply only to devices that are electronic or also to
devices which are not strictly electronic.
(1) This Document does not cover technical requirements
for measuring instruments; these requirements
are to be given in the relevant Recommendation.
For example, requirements for
zero-setting devices, totalizers, etc. are not given
in this Document.
(2) This Document does not address aspects such as
electrical safety or emission of electromagnetic
phenomena from instruments. Guidelines for
these aspects should be followed in accordance
with the applicable international, regional or
national regulations, often detailed in standards.
(3) This Document does not address aspects related
to software. At the time of drafting this version
of OIML D11, OIML TC 5/SC 2 is preparing a
separate document dealing with this subject.
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