GSO 1138:2002

Gulf Technical Regulation · Edition 1   Current Edition · Approved on 21 October 2002


GSO 1138:2002 Files

Arabic 10 Pages
Current Edition Reference Language
105.0 SAR
English 7 Pages
Current Edition
90.0 SAR

GSO 1138:2002 Scope

This standard specifies requirements for packaged sterile, or bulked non-sterile, rubber gloves intended for use in medical examinations and diagnostic or therapeutic procedures to protect the patient and the user from cross-contamination. It also covers rubber gloves intended for use in handling contaminated medical materials. It applies to single-use gloves that fit either hand, paired gloves and gloves of different sizes. It covers gloves with smooth surfaces or with textured surfaces over part or all of the glove. It does not apply to gloves made from plastic film either of a dipped or welded construction or as a substitute for gloves for use in surgical procedures.

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