GSO ISO 3670:1994
ISO 3670:1979
Gulf Technical Regulation
Current Edition
Approved on
16 November 1994
Blanks for plug gauges and handles ( taper lock and trilock ) and Ring gauges - design and general dimersions.
GSO ISO 3670:1994 Files
33 Pages
Current Edition
17 Pages
Current Edition
Reference Language
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GSO ISO 3670:1994 Scope
This standard specifies the characteristics of blanks and handles for plain and screw plug gauges of taper lock and trilock design and blanks for plain and screw ring gauges.
The types of gauges are described and illustrated and recommended blank and handle sizes are given in the Tables. Those features of design necessary to ensure interchangeability are specified in some detail and general information on other features is included for guidance in the manufacture of these gauges.
It should be noted that the dimensions in the Tables apply to the blanks for gauging members when completed but before they are finished to final gauge size.
Although this standard deals with blanks for taper lock and trilock plug gauges, it is recognized that solid gauges may sometimes be required, and their use is not precluded.
Note: Blanks for other types of gauges and handles, for example collect-type plug gauges, alternatives to trilock gauges and, possibly, shorter series of blanks and calliper gauges will be dealt with in future supplements to this standard
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