GSO ASTM D2257:2013
ASTM D2257:98(2012)
Gulf Standard
Current Edition
Approved on
09 September 2013
Standard Test Method for Extractable Matter in Textiles
GSO ASTM D2257:2013 Files
5 Pages
Current Edition
Reference Language
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GSO ASTM D2257:2013 Scope
1.1 This test method covers a procedure for determining the
extractable material on most fibers, yarns, and fabrics. Three
options are included. Option 1 uses heat and Soxhlet extraction
apparatus. Option 2 uses room temperature and extraction
funnels. Option 3 uses either Option 1 or Option 2 extraction
but provides for calculation of extractable matter from the loss
in mass of the material due to the extraction rather than the
extractable matter residue.
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