GSO 2359:2014

Gulf Technical Regulation · Edition 1   Current Edition · Approved on 02 April 2014

Extraction solvents and it’s residue limits in the production foodstuffs and food ingredients

GSO 2359:2014 Files

Arabic 7 Pages
Current Edition Reference Language
90.0 SAR
English 5 Pages
Current Edition
75.0 SAR

GSO 2359:2014 Scope

This Directive applies to extraction solvents used or intended for use in the production of foodstuffs or food ingredients. Unless product specifications states opposite. This Directive shall not apply to extraction solvents used in the production of food additives, vitamins and other nutritional additives, unless such food additives, vitamins or nutritional additives are listed in Table 1,2 and 3.

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