GSO ISO 20022-4:2017
ISO 20022-4:2013
Gulf Standard
Current Edition
Approved on
03 October 2017
Financial services -- Universal financial industry message scheme -- Part 4: XML Schema generation
GSO ISO 20022-4:2017 Files
22 Pages
Current Edition
Reference Language
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GSO ISO 20022-4:2017 Scope
This part of ISO 20022 was prepared to complement the ISO 20022 Metamodel, as specified in ISO 20022-1, with the XML syntax transformation rules to be applied by the ISO 20022 Registration Authority in order to translate an ISO 20022 compliant MessageDefinition into an XML Schema for the description and validation of XML Messages.
It specifies the transformation rules from level 3 to level 4. It is a deterministic transformation, meaning that the resulting XML Schema is completely predictable for a given MessageDefinition. There is neither manual input to the transformation itself nor manual adjustment to the result of the transformation.
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