GSO ISO 13131:2022
ISO 13131:2014
Gulf Standard
Current Edition
Approved on
12 May 2022
Health informatics — Telehealth services — Quality planning guidelines
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GSO ISO 13131:2022 Scope
ISO/TS 13131:2014 provides advice and recommendations on how to develop quality objectives and guidelines for telehealth services that use information and communications technologies (ICTs) to deliver healthcare over both long and short distances by using a risk management process. The following key requirements are considered when developing quality objectives and guidelines for telehealth services:
- management of telehealth quality processes by the healthcare organization;
- management of financial resources to support telehealth services;
- processes relating to people such as workforce planning, healthcare planning, and responsibilities;
- provision of infrastructure and facilities resources for telehealth services;
- management of information and technology resources used in telehealth services.
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