GSO ASTM A421/A421M:2023
ASTM A421/A421M:21
Gulf Standard
Current Edition
Approved on
10 September 2023
Standard Specification for Stress-Relieved Steel Wire for Prestressed Concrete
GSO ASTM A421/A421M:2023 Files
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GSO ASTM A421/A421M:2023 Scope
This specification covers two types of uncoated stress-relieved round high-carbon steel wire commonly used in prestressed linear concrete construction. These two types are the type BA used for applications in which cold-end deformation is used for anchoring purposes and type WA wire which is used for application in which the ends are anchored by wedges, no cold-end deformation of the wire is involved. Required tensile strength, yield strength, and elongation shall be evaluated using stress-relaxation test. Heat analysis shall be used to determine the percentage of specified elements especially sulfur and phosphorus to meet the required chemical composition.
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