GSO ISO 21562:2024

ISO 21562:2020
Gulf Standard   Current Edition · Approved on 14 October 2024

Ships and marine technology — Bunker fuel mass flow meters on receiving vessel — Requirements

GSO ISO 21562:2024 Files

GSO ISO 21562:2024 Scope

This document specifies requirements for Coriolis mass flow meter (MFM) systems installed on and used by vessels for the accurate measurement of bunker fuels received. It defines metrology and security requirements as well as testing requirements of the MFM system for the receiving vessel. This document complements ISO 8217, ISO 22192 and OIML R117.

This document does not cover mass flow meters used for custody transfer, nor does it address overall bunker delivery procedural issues, such as delivery system integrity and transfer operations. It is not applicable to cryogenic fuels such as LNG.

For bunker delivery using a Coriolis mass flow meter system in a custody transfer role, refer to ISO 22192.

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