Additives and Contaminants

  Online   |         |     10:00 - 13:00   |     14 days to start
375.0 SAR
GCC Standardization Organization (GSO)
Open   Listed

Course Objective:

This course is designed to familiarize participants with the standards and international and regional legislation on chemicals food additives and contaminants and the role of regulatory bodies in their application.

Who Should Attend?

  • The specialists in the NSBs in the Member States.
  • Membersof the Food and Agriculture products Technical Committee.
  • Food Control Authorities in GCC.
  • The interested people in Food industries.
  • The interested people in the Ministries of Commerce and industry, Health, Environment.
  • Consumer societies.

Main Topics:

  • The Role of GSO in the area of Food Additives & contaminants standards.
  • Risks of Food Additives & contaminants.
  • (GMP) and Risk assessment for Food Additives & contaminants.
  • International and Regional regulations concerning Food Additives & contaminants.
  • The Role of food control authorities on implementation of Food Additives & contaminants standards and technical regulations.
  • Examples and general applications

Course language:


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Food Additives & Contaminants