Technical Assessor Qualification Program for Accreditation Bodies (Advanced Level)

  Riyadh   |         |     09:00 - 14:00   |     12 days to start
6250.0 SAR
Saudi Standardization, Metrology and Quality Organization
Open   Listed


Training Program Topics;

This training program focuses on the practical aspects of assessing conformity assessment bodies, with an emphasis on planing and implementing technical assessment programs, evaluating the competence of bodies and their human resources, and verifying compliance with Gulf technical regulations. The program also includes developing skills in file assessment, identifying and documenting non-conformities, preparing assessment reports, and sharing results with relevant entities. Additionally, it covers preparing and verifying the scope of designation in accordance with harmonized Gulf standards.

First: General Framework for the Assessment of Conformity Assessment Bodies According to GSO Methodology

- Reviewing the GSO notification system for conformity assessment bodies and the roles and responsibilities of GSO in supervising assessment processes.

- Developing and designing a technical assessment schedule and defining its scope based on Gulf designation requirements.

- Understanding the administrative and legal procedures related to the participation of member state representatives in the technical assessment of conformity assessment bodies.


Second: GAC’s Methodology for the Technical Assessment of Conformity Assessment Bodies:

- Reviewing the general framework of technical assessment processes and approved implementation mechanisms.

- Mechanisms for verifying the competence of auditors and technical experts according to ISO 17065 / ISO 17025 /, and GCC Accreditation Center procedures.

- Developing and designing a technical assessment schedule and defining its scope based on Gulf designation requirements.

- Assessing the technical expertise of conformity assessment bodies in accordance with Gulf technical regulations.

- Analyzing the compatibility of operational procedures and internal systems of conformity assessment bodies with Gulf technical regulations.


Third: Verification of Compliance with GSO Technical Regulations in the schemes and Procedures of CABs Accreditation Requirements:

- Analyzing the compliance of quality management and operational schemes in CABs with GSO technical regulations.

- Mechanisms for verifying the completeness and accuracy of technical files submitted by designation applicants.

- Requirements for verifying the efficiency of schemes, procedures, and models used in accordance with GSO technical regulations.

- Mechanisms for evaluating the technical expertise of conformity assessment bodies and ensuring comprehensive coverage of standards within the required designation fields.


Four: Practical Applications for Technical Assessment Procedures:

-   Simulation sessions for the opening meeting.

- Practical verification of expert files for conformity assessment bodies.

- Practical verification of requirements for issuing the GCC conformity mark certification to bodies.

- Hands-on application of filling out GAC technical assessment reports according to GAC methodologies.

- Practical application of reviewing technical files and randomly selected samples within the designation scope.

- Training on identifying and documenting non-conformities according to GAC procedures, confirmation mechanisms, and closure steps within set timeframes.

- Practical exercise on conducting the closing meeting and presenting assessment results.


Fifth: Practical Training on Preparing the Scope of Notification for Products According to GSO Technical Regulations:

- Analyzing the steps for preparing the scope of notification for conformity assessment bodies and the mechanisms for verifying compliance.

- Products within the scope of the Gulf Technical Regulation for Low Voltage Electrical Equipment and Appliances.

- Products within the scope of the Gulf Technical Regulation for Toys.

- Products within the scope of the Gulf Technical Regulation for Water Conservation Products.



Target Audiences

-     Notification Services Employees in Member States: The program is primarily designed for employees involved in the designation of conformity assessment bodies in member states, particularly those who participated in the first phase of the program or have a solid understanding of the fundamentals and principles of designation.

-     Members of the GCC Notification Steering Committee: The program is open to members of the steering committee responsible for guiding and overseeing designation activities at the Gulf level.

-     Practitioners of Notification Activities: This includes individuals involved in executing and managing notification activities and overseeing conformity assessment bodies' evaluation processes in member states.


Training Participation Conditions

-     Employee of a National Standardization Body in Member States: Participants must be employed by an official entity responsible for notification services or conformity assessment in one of the member states.

-     Practical Experience in Conformity Assessment Body Assessment: Participants must have prior involvement in conformity assessment body assessments or documented experience in implementing designation services according to Gulf requirements.

-     Advanced Understanding of GSO Designation Requirements: Participants should have an in-depth knowledge of GSO designation requirements and their application mechanisms, with the ability to analyze relevant Gulf Technical Regulations.

-     Completion of Phases One and Two or Equivalent Experience: Participants must have successfully completed the first two phases of the program or possess extensive experience in conformity assessment body evaluations, enabling them to grasp the advanced concepts covered in Phase Three.

-     Ability to Participate in Practical Assessments: Given the hands-on nature of the program, participants should be able to actively engage in practical exercises, including file evaluations, reviewing non-conformities, and preparing assessment reports in line with GSO and GCC Accreditation Center methodologies.



Training Methodology:

This advanced training program is designed to provide participants with hands-on experience and specialized technical skills in conformity assessment body evaluations, utilizing the latest training methodologies to maximize learning outcomes. The methodology includes:

·Intensive Practical Applications: The program emphasizes hands-on exercises, including real-world simulations of technical assessments, compliance verification against Gulf Technical Regulations, and implementation of GCC Accreditation Center procedures.

·Case Studies and Analysis of Actual Designation Files: Participants will analyze real designation applications, assessing conformity assessment bodies’ compliance with designation requirements, internal system effectiveness, and technical competency.

·  Training on Identifying and Documenting Non-Conformities: The program includes practical exercises on detecting, classifying, and documenting non-conformities, along with methods for closing them in accordance with GSO and GCC Accreditation Center guidelines.

·  Simulated On-Site and Administrative Assessments: Participants will engage in role-play exercises simulating real assessments, including opening and closing meetings, document reviews, and compliance verification based on accreditation methodologies.

·  Advanced Discussion Panels: The program offers interactive sessions for participants to share experiences, discuss challenges in assessment processes, and explore best international practices in evaluating conformity assessment bodies.

·  Preparation of Assessment Reports and Documentation of Findings: Participants will receive in-depth training on drafting technical assessment reports, reviewing designation applications, analyzing technical documentation, and providing recommendations based on GSO and GCC Accreditation Center procedures.

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This training program is part of the implementation of the GCC Notification Steering Committee’s decision, which mandates the execution of three consecutive training programs aimed at qualifying national competencies in member states in the field of conformity assessment body designation. The first two phases have been successfully completed, with the first phase, held in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, from November 3 to 5, 2024, focusing on the fundamental concepts and principles for understanding the requirements for the designation of conformity assessment bodies. This phase targeted new employees or those with limited experience in the field. The second phase, conducted in Muscat, Oman, from December 22 to 26, 2024, focused on qualifying experienced professionals to become assessors and technical experts in the designation process by equipping them with the necessary knowledge and practical skills to carry out assessments in accordance with GCC and international requirements. This third (advanced) phase serves as a continuation of these efforts, targeting assessors and technical experts who have completed the second phase or possess